Dress Code


It is our feeling that the responsibility for proper dress for elementary students lies in the hands of the parents.

The school has certain responsibilities however, as set out in the Administrative Code of the State of California

and the policies of the Calaveras Unified School District.

Restrictions on freedom of student dress will be imposed whenever the mode of dress is in question because it


1. unsafe either for the student or those around the student

2. disruptive of school operations and the educational process in general

3. contrary to the law Policy 5132 – All students who go to school without proper attention given to

personal cleanliness, or neatness of dress, may be sent home to be properly prepared for school or

shall be required to prepare themselves for the schoolroom before entering.

Shoes must be worn at all times. Sneakers or tennis shoes are required for Physical Education because of the

safety factor involved. All other shoes worn must have a back strap for safety, NO FLIP FLOPS ALLOWED.


Those items of dress considered inappropriate for school wear are half shirts, midriff blouses, transparent and

net shirts, strapless and halter tops, spaghetti straps and shirts or hats with profane remarks, drug/alcohol

advertisement or with words that degrade or embarrass others.

Although shorts, skirts, and dresses are allowed, they must be fingertip length and tank top must be 2 finger

width wide.

Hats may be worn outside only and must be worn with the bill to the front. Hats may not be worn in the

classrooms, office, lunchroom, or indoor assemblies.

Any clothing, which is identified by the administration as gang-related, gang imitating, a safety concern, or a

distraction to learning will not be permitted. Undergarments are not allowed to be visible.

Students who are in violation of dress code policies will be given a change of clothes or the opportunity to call home