Parent-Teacher Group

Studies show that children do better in school when their parents are involved in school and in helping them learn at home.  Our objective is to encourage parents/guardians to participate in their child's educational experience by becoming an active part of the school community.     

WPE PTG raises funds to help provide social and educational programs and materials for students beyond those provide by the school district. 

We thank you for any time volunteered and donations made, we could not do this without the support of WPE families and community!

WPE Parent Teacher Group Board

Carrie Rice, President

Kim Quindiagan, Treasurer

TBD, Secretary

Meeting Information

Most PTG meetings are held on the first Monday of each month (unless a Holiday) from 2:15pm-3:30pm in room 4 or the primary playground during good weather.

WPE PTG Members include all parents, grandparents & guardians of current WPE students.  Children are always welcome.